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Understanding how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected furloughed workers wellbeing.

Safe People

Organisation name

Public Health Wales

Organisation sector

Government Agency (Health and Adult Social Care)

Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

This project has been accepted onto the Data Science Accelerator Programme (Sept to Nov, 2021) and data access is required. Employment is a wider determinant of health. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted people’s ability to work. This research study aims to: 1) Identify the socio-demographic characteristics of furloughed workers associated with risk of poor mental wellbeing 2) Examine changes in wellbeing dependant on the length that an individual has been furloughed. The ‘furlough’ scheme is an unfamiliar concept under UK employment law. This project presents a unique opportunity to examine how ‘furlough’ has effected wellbeing support these individuals back into work.

Public benefit statement

As the furlough scheme is an unfamiliar concept under UK employment law, which comes to an end in September, this project presents a unique opportunity to identify the specific characteristics that increase the likelihood of developing mental health concerns in this population. Specifically, this is of particular interest within the population health work­stream within Public Health Wales. Also, good employment, health and income security is identified as Priority 2 and 5 in the recent Welsh Healthy Equity Status Report initiative[8]. Furthermore, this project is of value to schemes such as Healthy Working Wales[9] which help to inform and develop work environments that promote good health and adequately support those transitioning back into work.

Latest approval date


Safe Data

Dataset(s) name



Safe Setting

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