How is COVID-19 impacting women and men’s working lives in the UK?
Safe People
University of Nottingham
Academic Institute
Safe Projects
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we work. It has created job loss, work instability, financial hardship and great insecurity. It is generating deep problems for much of the working population in the UK, but it also impacts in starkly different ways on different groups of worker. This project compares how the pandemic is impacting the working lives of women and men. It is examining how the workplaces of women and men, and the very experience of work, have been impacted as the pandemic hit and its effects rolled out in 2020 and into 2021.
We will make widely available the ways in which the pandemic is impacting the working lives of women and men, and by identifying the ways in which government and employers can support workers. We will expand our understanding of the gender impacts of C0VID-19 on working lives in the UK aiding the government and business mitigating response. We will expand our understanding of social and economic trends by improving knowledge of the gender impacts of C0VID-19. Code and resulting datasets will be made openly available to other researchers via the Health Data Research Innovation Gateway and the Github platform. Findings will be made available to the public via simple and potentially interactive data visualisations and infographics.
Safe Data
Safe Setting