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The impact of inter-hospital transportation: Neonatal outcomes and implications for families

Safe People

Organisation name

The University of Nottingham

Organisation sector

Academic Institute

Applicant name(s)

Don Sharkey

Funders/ Sponsors

The University of Nottingham

Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

The study is led by Dr Don Sharkey, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, School of Medicine, Division of Child Health, Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham. The study will use population level data held within the NNRD to examine the patterns of transfers in the UK in recent years and the potential impact this has on families in terms of the time away from their booking hospital. The study will also look at a defined group of babies, those with hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy, to see how delivery of therapeutic hypothermia is evolving in the UK and if there are any changes in short-term outcomes observed with inter-hospital transfer.

Other approval committees

REC reference: 17/LO/1822

Safe Setting

Access type
