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Variation in Post-operative Patient Health in Northern Ireland

Safe People

Organisation name


Organisation sector

Government Agency (Health and Adult Social Care)

Applicant name(s)

Alexander Fitzpatrick

Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

This study will use data from the Admissions and Discharges system (Inpatients, Outpatients, Admissions and Discharges, Accident and Emergency) linked with data from primary care (HSC Business Services Organisation (BSO) Enhanced Prescribing Database) for the calendar year 2012 using the NI Healthcard Registration number as a unique patient identifier. For the purpose of this study, a single patient event will be defined as one or more hospital admissions for the same patient (day case or inpatient) that completed on the same date. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression analyses will be produced using SPSS. Descriptive statistics will demonstrate whether there is variation in the likelihood of being prescribed antibiotic medication in primary care or of a patient presenting at an Accident and Emergency Department (A&E) within 3 weeks of discharge from hospital according to; consultant speciality, the hospital from which the patient was discharged, the length of stay in hospital, the patient’s age group and gender, and the rank of the multiple deprivation indicator of the patient’s area of residence. The logistic regression analyses will examine the relative influences that each of these factors have on the outcomes of antibiotic prescription and return to A&E. Understanding the factors that impact on variation in the HSC resources required to effectively treat patients will enable improvements in planning for and predicting required patient care. Such understanding will also facilitate the introduction of appropriate interventions to optimise the use of resources.

Public benefit statement

Understanding the factors that impact on variation in the HSC resources required to effectively treat patients will enable improvements in planning for and predicting required patient care. Such understanding will also facilitate the introduction of appropriate interventions to optimise the use of resources.

Latest approval date


Safe Data

Dataset(s) name
Data sensitivity level


Legal basis for provision of data under Article 6

Not applicable

Common Law Duty of Confidentiality

Not applicable

National data opt-out applied?

Not applicable

Request frequency


Safe Setting

Access type