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Evaluation of maternal diseases and medications recorded in the Northern Ireland Maternity System (Northern Ireland Regional Maternity system (NIMATS)) database compared to the NI Enhanced Prescribing Database (Enhanced Prescribing Database): a data linkage validation study

Safe People

Organisation name

Ulster University

Organisation sector

Academic Institute

Applicant name(s)

Maria Loane

Safe Projects

Project ID


Lay summary

Administrative datasets, holding routinely collected patient health records, require assessment of data quality to ensure that the data are suitable for research as they were not developed for this purpose. The aim of this study is to evaluate the quality of data on maternal diseases and medication exposures during the first trimester of pregnancy as recorded in the Northern Ireland Maternity System (Northern Ireland Regional Maternity system (NIMATS)) database compared to the NI Enhanced Prescribing Database (Enhanced Prescribing Database). Northern Ireland Regional Maternity system (NIMATS) data, for all NI resident mothers who gave birth between 2011 and 2016, will be linked to Enhanced Prescribing Database data using the mother’s Health and Care Number (HCN). The Enhanced Prescribing Database data extract will include prescriptions issued from 1st April 2010 to 30th June 2016 to cover the first trimester exposure period for mothers who gave birth between January 2011 and December 2016. Agreement between the two data sources and sensitivity/ specificity estimates will be calculated for each therapeutic class of medications. Maternal diseases recorded in Northern Ireland Regional Maternity system (NIMATS) will also be cross-validated with Enhanced Prescribing Database data to assess completeness, consistency and accuracy i.e. a mother with a chronic condition such as epilepsy would be expected to have a prescription for an antiepileptic medication. Awareness of the quality of Northern Ireland Regional Maternity system (NIMATS) medication and maternal diseases data is essential if these data are to be used in data linkage studies assessing medication safety in pregnancy. This validation study will inform a larger NI/ UK-wide data linkage study exploring child developmental and educational outcomes following maternal medication exposure during pregnancy

Public benefit statement

Awareness of the quality of Northern Ireland Regional Maternity system (NIMATS) medication and maternal diseases data is essential if these data are to be used in data linkage studies assessing medication safety in pregnancy. This validation study will inform a larger NI/ UK-wide data linkage study exploring child developmental and educational outcomes following maternal medication exposure during pregnancy

Latest approval date


Safe Data

Dataset(s) name

Safe Setting

Access type