Understanding real world healthcare costs for living donor kidney transplantation.
Safe People
Belfast Trust
Government Agency (Health and Adult Social Care)
Michael Quinn
Safe Projects
The overall aim is to clearly demonstrate the financial benefits of living transplantation in a generalisable manner for populations in the UK.
Despite the fact that transplantation is a resource-intensive intervention, there is limited information on the healthcare costs or the economic impacts of this kidney replacement therapy on donors or recipients. This compromises the ability of renal replacement programmes to plan service developments and indeed provide evidence-based arguments around the value for money of transplant programmes. HSCNI has invested in living donor transplantation and consequently we have seen a dramatic increase in donation and significant improvement in clinical outcomes for those involved. This clinical outcome is crucial for the individual patient and to further develop services we need a sound financial basis on which to commission living donor transplantation. Northern Ireland has this potential evidence base, but due to limitations in individual commissioning information and patient centric financial outcomes we have been unable to clearly articulate the benefits to wider healthcare economy of living donor transplantation. Therefore, this study will verify the direction of travel pioneered by Northern Ireland and potentially accelerate the uptake of similar pathways in the UK in general and worldwide.
Safe Data
NIPACS BCH - RVH RIS (external)
Safe Setting