TRACK-COVID study: a population-based epidemiological investigation of COVID-19 virus infection
Safe People
University of Cambridge
Academic Institute
Emanuele Di Angelantonio
Safe Projects
Using a group of healthy blood donors, the TRACK-COVID study was set up at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic to try to understand the spread of the new coronavirus. Using the TRACK-COVID study questionnaire data, antibody results and linked health record data, we will be able to address the two questions a) the spread of the virus during the pandemic and b) how long antibodies from vaccines remain in our bodies. Having access to the linked health records for this study will provide important information on accurate vaccine dates, infection dates and any serious illness that required hospitalisation, if reported to the NHS. It will also help us address reinfection rates of the virus following a natural infection or vaccine. We will look at information on all vaccines combined as well as each type of vaccine individually. The results from this study will provide policy makers in government with vital information on what happened during the peak of the pandemic (mainly the spread of the virus and who was most at risk). It will also help to address the question of how often vaccines are required. Together, this information will be extremely beneficial for the general population.
Safe Data
NHS Digital Demographics
NHS Digital Civil Registration – Deaths
NHS Digital Hospital Episode Statistics Admitted Patient Care
NHS Digital Hospital Episode
Statistics Admitted Patient Care (Augmented/critical care period)
NHS Digital Hospital Episode Statistics Critical Care
NHS Digital Hospital Episode Statistics Outpatient
NHS Digital Hospital Episode Statistics Accident and Emergency
NHS Digital Medicines Dispensed in Primary Care
NHS Digital GDPPR Data for Pandemic Planning and Research (COVID-19)
NHS Digital COVID-19 Vaccination Status
NHS Digital COVID-19 Vaccination Adverse Reactions
NHS Digital COVID-19 SARI-WATCH (formerly CHESS)
NHS Digital COVID-19 Second Generation Surviellence System (Pillar 1 & Pillar 2)
NHS Digital NPex (pillar 2)
NHS Digital COVID-19 Non-hospital Antibody Testing Results (Pillar 3)