SAIL Databank
SAIL stands for Secure Anonymised Information Linkage. The SAIL Databank is a world-class flagship for the robust secure storage and use of anonymised person-based data for research to improve health, well-being and services. Its databank of anonymised data about the population of Wales is internationally recognised. SAIL also provides trusted research environment (TRE) services to national programmes and hubs, such as BREATHE, the Health Data Research Hub for Respiratory Health.
SAIL stands for Secure Anonymised Information Linkage. The SAIL Databank is a world-class flagship for the robust secure storage and use of anonymised person-based data for research to improve health, well-being and services. Its databank of anonymised data about the population of Wales is internationally recognised. SAIL also provides trusted research environment (TRE) services to national programmes and hubs, such as BREATHE, the Health Data Research Hub for Respiratory Health.
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