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Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccination in Brazil Using Mobile Data - Github repository


ICODA Grand Challenge - Drive Project This is the code repository of the EFFECT-Brazil driver project from the ICODA Grand Challenge. The project is driven by a multiprofessional team of researchers from the Center for Healthcare Operations and Intelligence (Núcleo de Operações e Inteligência em Saúde) (NOIS), of the Department of Industrial Engineering @ PUC-Rio Contact us at: Twitter: @NOIS_PUCRio nois [at] puc-rio [dot] br


ICODA Grand Challenge - Drive Project This is the code repository of the EFFECT-Brazil driver project from the ICODA Grand Challenge. The project is driven by a multiprofessional team of researchers from the Center for Healthcare Operations and Intelligence (Núcleo de Operações e Inteligência em Saúde) (NOIS), of the Department of Industrial Engineering @ PUC-Rio Contact us at: Twitter: @NOIS_PUCRio nois [at] puc-rio [dot] br



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