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Datamind - The Hub For Mental Health Informatics Research Development

DATAMIND - The Hub for Mental Health Informatics Research Development


DATAMIND is the Health Data Research Hub for Mental Health funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC).

Our Mental Health Data Research Hub makes the most of the UK’s rich mental health data and enables coordinated research, with the aim of improving people’s lives. The Hub transforms mental health research in the UK by providing a central, integrated data infrastructure with findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) mental health data sets. This means data from diverse sources, underpinned by expertise and innovation, by principles of responsible use, and by public participation, for use across universities, the NHS, the charitable sector, policymakers, and industry.

In partnership with the charity MQ: Transforming Mental Health, the hub supports the development of the public’s involvement in mental health research to ensure that valuable contributions are included from those with lived experience. The hub also collaborates with MQ to build capacity and strengthen expertise in this increasingly important area of research through data science conferences and early career researcher (ECR) skills development workshops.

The Hub infrastructure is located at four lead sites covering the four UK nations. We index and curate data across participating organisations for research, development, and innovation. The Hub continuously catalogues relevant UK data rich in mental health information, including from gene studies, routine care, volunteer cohorts, and trials (often through the Catalogue of Mental Health Measures), as well as novel data from schools and charities. It allows researchers to discover and use them through the HDR UK Innovation Gateway.

Patients and the public are also crucial to DATAMIND, ensuring the project aligns with real-life mental health challenges. The Super Research Advisory Group (SRAG) promotes inclusive decision-making, guided by those directly affected by mental health issues.</b></b>

Datasets & BioSamples (11)

The 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70)
Dataset population size: 8,581
Health and disease
Lothian Birth Cohort 1936 (LBC1936)
Dataset population size: 1,091
Health and disease
Determinants of Adolescent Social Wellbeing & Health (DASH)
Dataset population size: 6,643
Health and disease
Resilience, Ethnicity & Adolescent Mental Health (REACH)
Dataset population size: 1,000
Health and disease
1958 National Child Development Study (NCDS)
Dataset population size: 9,137
Health and disease
English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA)
Dataset population size: 7,222
Health and disease

Analysis Scripts & Software (2)

SAIL Databank
Clara Fennessy

Created - 08 October 2024

The Catalogue of Mental Health Measures
Clara Fennessy

Created - 08 October 2024

Publications (1)

A Profile of the SAIL Databank on the UK Secure Research Platform.
Jones KH, Ford DV, Thompson S, Lyons RA.