
HDR UK Multi-omics Consortium
Genetics has transformed our understanding of how variation in DNA can influence risk of developing conditions, such as cancer and heart disease. Studies that can combine this genetic information with other blood-based factors – including proteins, metabolites and lipids – and health records, have the potential to provide more direct insight into disease aetiology and prediction. A key challenge so far, however, has been accessing this information at sufficient scale.
The development of a National Multi-omics Consortium aims to address this challenge by bringing together information on participants from multiple studies to enhance scientific power, breadth, and robustness. The Consortium is one of the major initiatives within HDRUK’s Understanding the Causes of Disease programme, led by HDR UK Researcher Dr Adam Butterworth. It will bring together existing and unique data assets, maximising their value within an open and collaborative national team.
From it's conception, the Consortium was designed to include nine longitudinal UK population cohorts within the HDR UK network, comprising over 750,000 participants:
- AIRWAVE Health Monitoring
- EPIC-Norfolk
- The Fenland Study
- Generation Scotland
- UCLEB Consortium
- UK Biobank
Additional cohorts have since joined, including:
- Born in Bradford
- Viking Genes (including both Viking & Orcades studies)
More info can be found here. This collection will feature datasets, projects and outputs from the HDR UK Multi-omics Consortium.