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INSIGHT UHB: Part of the West Midlands Secure Data Environment (SDE)

INSIGHT UHB: Part of the West Midlands Secure Data Environment (SDE)


{"type":"doc","content":[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"The West Midlands region has a population of 6.2m and the SDE covers 6 ICBs working with 848 partner organisations. The ICBs covered by the region are:"}]},{"type":"bulletList","content":[{"type":"listItem","content":[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"Birmingham and Solihull"}]}]},{"type":"listItem","content":[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"Black Country"}]}]},{"type":"listItem","content":[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"Coventry and Warwickshire"}]}]},{"type":"listItem","content":[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"Herefordshire and Worcestershire"}]}]},{"type":"listItem","content":[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin"}]}]},{"type":"listItem","content":[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent"}]}]}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"Initially, the West Midlands Secure Data Environment will make available datasets curated by HDR UK Healthcare Data Hubs, INSIGHT and PIONEER, where University Hospitals Birmingham is the data controller. Access to these datasets is governed by their specific ethical approvals in place."}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"PIONEER is a research data hub focused on making accessible acute healthcare data for any disease or condition. INSIGHT is a single themed research data hub focused on making accessible ophthalmic and oculomic data."}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"As the WMSDE develops further, its data pipeline will expand and the catalogue of available datasets will be updated."}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"If you have any questions about the West Midlands SDE, please contact WMSDE@uhb.nhs.uk"}]}]}

Datasets (16)

Moorfields Eye Image BioResource 001
Dataset population size: 472,016
Health and disease
Moorfields Ophthalmic Prescription 004
Dataset population size: 428,593
Health and disease
Glaucoma dataset at University Hospitals Birmingham
Dataset population size: Unknown
Health and disease
Eye images and retinopathy grades in diabetic eye screening
Dataset population size: Unknown
Health and disease
Moorfields Eye Dementia Dataset
Dataset population size: 232,000
Health and disease